British Drama League. December 1936/January 1937

Drama, London

Dec 1936

British Drama League 1936/1937 – Conference of Educational Associations

The photo accompanying this blog post shows a newspaper cutting from December 1936.  The cutting comes from a book of cuttings collated by Irene Mawer, charting the progress of the Institute of Mime, which she founded in 1933.


In this article, there is mention of Irene Mawer addressing a forthcoming meeting of the British Drama League which was due to be held in January 1937.  We are not told the title of her speech, only that she would introduce a special demonstration of Mime by her students.  The co-speaker, however, Mr Frank Birch, was due to speak on ‘The Art of Mime in Education’ – a subject close to Miss Mawer’s heart.  


I haven’t come across Frank Birch before.  A Google search shows that there was a Frank (Francis) Birch CMG, OBE, 1889-1956, who was a British actor during the 1930s, having been educated at Eton and then Kings College, Cambridge.  He sounds a likely match.


Irene Mawer has been forgotten by the history books, so please like/share/comment, etc, so that the internet search engines have more chance of finding her.  Thank you.

Author: Janet Fizz Curtis

Janet Fizz Curtis is trained in the Irene Mawer Method of Mime and Movement and is now writing a book about the life of Irene Mawer.

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