Origins of Ginner-Mawer

Origins of Ginner-Mawer


Irene Mawer and Ruby Ginner were both trained by Elsie Fogerty, at the Central School for Speech and Dramatic Art in London.  Both of the women revered Fogie (as she was nicknamed by all the students) and were forever grateful to her.  Central School is where Irene Mawer and Ruby Ginner met, and where they formed their partnership for the Ginner-Mawer School.  


The following information is taken from the 1937 write-up describing the evening celebrations of the 21st birthday of the Ginner-Mawer School:


Both Irene Mawer and I were trained by her, and so we call her the grandmother of the Ginner-Mawer School.” (Ruby Ginner)


Effie Williams knew Ginner before Mawer knew Ginner.  Williams helped develop the Greek Dance; she was effectively the chief of staff at the Ginner-Mawer School for 19 years.


1914 – Ginner met Mawer.

1915 – Et Puis Bonsoir, start of friendship.

1916 – formed their partnership in a room at Albert Hall.

1918 – Hall was commandeered for war work, School moved to “a little studio in Clareville Grove” for one year.

1919 (assumed, as it is one year) – moved to Lindsey Hall, Nottinghill Gate.

1924 – removed to Philbeach Hall.


Further notes not from the 21st birthday article: as the celebration took place in 1937, I assume that the School was still at Philbeach Hall (indeed, an entry in Dancing Times in 1939 confirms this fact.  After which, WW2 forced the move to Boscastle, then to Cheltenham in 1945 (by way of an unsuccessful diversion to The Forge at Marhamchurch, near Bude, Cornwall.)

Author: Janet Fizz Curtis

Janet Fizz Curtis is trained in the Irene Mawer Method of Mime and Movement and is now writing a book about the life of Irene Mawer.

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