Miss Mawer’s Success as Pierrot
Posted on Biography, Blog, ginner-mawer, Mime, voice
Morning Post, 1934
Miss Mawer must have been hugely gratified with this review from the Morning Post – it is glowing.
Interestingly, it tells us that the audience was made up mostly of young people, who were very happy to see an old play and were vocally quite loud.
The review reads: “It was a joy to find the Westminster Theatre crowded last night and to hear the shouts of delight with which an audience largely of young people welcomed this old Carré-Wormser masterpiece of mime. Not only the exquisite classic itself, but the performance also deserved its ovation.”
Miss Mawer is described as knowing “…every note of the music and every flicker of gesture. She gave incomparably the best performance of Pierrot we have had since Madame Jane May – not only perfect in its timing, but graceful, delicately expressive, and with much more gaiety and humour in the lighter parts than she has shown before. If her comparatively tall figure is not so plastic as Madame May’s was, she makes up in drama and human appeal.”
It sounds as if the reviewer was old enough to have seen Jane May performing (Mme May was born c1861 and was famous around the turn of that century.)
The pianist was Miss Gwendoline Parke.
This is just a quick note to mention Kickstarter, which is the platform that I will be using to launch my book, hopefully in early 2025. The book will be a biography of Irene Mawer and will cover the Ginner-Mawer School of Dance and Drama, as well as the Institute of Mime.