Derbyshire Festival 1935

Derby Evening Telegraph

19 September 1935

PLAY AND MUSIC SCHOOLS: Festival plans in Derbyshire

The Derbyshire Rural Community Council Drama Committee issued a bulletin giving details of their winter programme.  This included a festival of one-act plays, drama and music schools, and a play writing competition.  These events ranged over the whole of Derbyshire.

Under the sub-heading ‘Lectures by Experts’ we see that Irene Mawer was lined-up to give a school of mime – this was in conjunction with the Derbyshire Federation of Women’s Institutes (WI).  

The school of mime day workshop was to be held at the Central Hall, in Derby.  

After the mime workshop with the WI members had finished, the hall would then be open to the general public who could enter and watch a mime demonstration.

Miss Mawer worked for several years with the Women’s Institutes, but not much is known about her.  Please like/share/comment, etc, so that the internet search engines can find her more easily.  Thank you.


Author: Janet Fizz Curtis

Janet Fizz Curtis is trained in the Irene Mawer Method of Mime and Movement and is now writing a book about the life of Irene Mawer.

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