Exam Success. 19 September 1936

Gloucester Journal

19 September 1936




Irene Mawer founded the Institute of Mime in 1933, in an attempt to standardise the proficiency of mime teaching and performance.  Students of mime could take the Institute’s own examinations which included both performing and teaching qualifications.  (I imagine that these would be the same examinations which I took and still have the syllabuses for.)


In this newspaper article from 1936, we learn of the success of one candidate, Rosina Bassett, who gained her Greek Dance Teacher’s qualification, having first of all qualified as a teacher of mime.  


Miss Bassett lived in Stroud, but had spent the week in London, lecturing on mime as a social recreation.  It is interesting to see the mime described in this way, as previously we have heard it referred to as ‘social work’, but ‘social recreation’ is, in my view, a much better way of putting it.


I would imagine that Rosina Bassett travelled from Stroud to London to take the Greek Dance examinations and while she was in London, also took the opportunity to (presumably) earn some money by lecturing on Mime as a social recreation.  I am making the assumption that the lecturers would have been paid – but perhaps they did it for free.  Any ideas?  Please contact me.


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Please help Irene Mawer to be more recognised for the work thy she did. To do this, please like/comment/share so that the search engines can find her. Thank you. 

Author: Janet Fizz Curtis

Janet Fizz Curtis is trained in the Irene Mawer Method of Mime and Movement and is now writing a book about the life of Irene Mawer.

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