Successful Recital of Mime

Successful Recital of Mime

unknown newspaper, 1928

In the lead up to Christmas, Miss Mawer presented a long and varied programme of mime. The reviewer felt that the evening’s entertainment was perhaps a little over-done, being a “…long and somewhat exhaustive programme.” The reviewer also felt that the results of Irene Mawer’s efforts were ‘unequal’. “In some of her numbers she mimes genuinely; in others she seems inclined to fake exactly in the same way that a sparsely-clad poseuse running round the stage to the accompaniment of The Spring Song will call the effort classical dancing.” Ouch!

The reviewer enjoyed Mawer’s Aunt Anne Remembers sketch, in which an old lady looks back into the past. “In this Miss Mawer did with mime-telling, the story of pathos and humour easily and with distinction.

Dancers and mimes appearing on stage with Miss Mawer were Misses Marion Gillett, Joyce Ruscoe, Elizabeth Ram, Elin Dallas, Marjorie Elkes, and Margaret Allen.  Kathleen Simpson “did yeoman service at the piano.

Author: Janet Fizz Curtis

Janet Fizz Curtis is trained in the Irene Mawer Method of Mime and Movement and is now writing a book about the life of Irene Mawer.

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