Art of Unspoken Drama, Goldoni. 31 May 1937

The Times, London
31 May 1937

THE ART OF UNSPOKEN DRAMA, Goldoni.  31 May 1937

It is rather exciting to see that Irene Mawer received acknowledgement in The Times newspaper, even though it is a pre-prepared article seen in at least one other newspaper.

The article gives advance notice of a programme of unspoken drama in all its varied aspects due to be performed at the Aldwych Theatre, a showcase instigated by the Institute of Mime.

The programme was due to give a brief history of mime, starting with an Idyll of Theocritus from ancient Greece, followed by religious dramas such as The Deluge. Franco/Italian Commedia dell’Arte was to be represented by a translation from the French of a Harlequin play based on a synopsis of Goldoni. Modern times would be shown through the study of the agricultural and fishing people of Scotland (staged by a team of players from Edinburgh.)

Although I have attempted to find out about Goldoni, I have not yet been successful. If you know who he (for I expect it was a he) was, please let me know. Thanks.

Names from previous newspaper articles are also found in this one: Ruby Ginner; Elinor Shan; Joyce Ruscoe; Helga Burgess; Peggy Butler.

The whole was to be directed by Irene Mawer, as President of the Institute of Mime.

Please like/share/comment, etc so that more people will become aware of the Institute of Mime, and of Miss Mawer’s work. Thank you.

Author: Janet Fizz Curtis

Janet Fizz Curtis is trained in the Irene Mawer Method of Mime and Movement and is now writing a book about the life of Irene Mawer.

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