Ulster Drama School. 11 December 1937

Belfast News Letter

11 December 1937

ULSTER DRAMA SCHOOL: Art of Mime and Planning of Production

The initial event of the Drama School workshops received praise from the Belfast News Letter. On the Friday evening, the lecturers were Miss Helga Burgess and Mr Howard Hayden.

Miss Burgess, a Fellow of the Institute of Mime, warned against the use of exaggeration when expressing emotion. Miss Burgess gave a series of technical exercises whereby every limb was used in order to typify an emotion such as fear, greed, inquisitiveness or anger.

The School was due to continue the next day, with two day-time sessions, organised by the Rural Development Council of Northern Ireland.

My blog posts immediately prior to this one give further information on this drama school.

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Author: Janet Fizz Curtis

Janet Fizz Curtis is trained in the Irene Mawer Method of Mime and Movement and is now writing a book about the life of Irene Mawer.

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