Overview of Institute of Mime. December 1937

Dancing Times, London

December 1937




Irene Mawer gathered together a scrapbook full of cutting from newspapers, charting the progress of the Institute of Mime, which she founded in 1933.


The attached photo shows an article printed in 1937 which gives an overview of the Institute’s activities during the twelve months of 1936-37. 


Miss Nora Gimson had taken over from Miss Joyce Ruscoe as Honarary Secretary and the year had been filled with events.  The work of the Institute of Mime had been brought into the public sphere, both on an educational level and and artistic one, too.


Approximately thirty lectures, demonstrations and Schools were given around England, Scotland and South Africa.  There is a line in the article which states ‘mime is now established as a part of the curriculum in Drama Schools’ but it does not clarify which country this refers to.


The people mentioned as having been active over the year are stalwarts of the Institute of Mime, including Helga Burgess; Joyce Ruscoe; Irene Mawer; Dorothy Glover; Peggy Butler plus the addition of Miss Susan Pearson, who I have not come across before.


Places visited include London; Plymouth; Norwich; Malvern; Stratford-on-Avon; Belfast; Whittingham in Northumberland; and Birmingham.


Liaisons were made with University College; the British Drama League; National Federation of Women’s Institutes; the American Drama League; the Central School of Speech Training; Malvern Festival; Stratford-on-Avon Festival; Rural Development of Northern Ireland; the Birmingham School of Dramatic Art; the Girl Guides Association; the Aldwych Theatre; the Birmingham Repertory theatre; Maddermarket Theatre, Norwich; and the Chanticleer Theatre.  Phew!  Not bad.


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Author: Janet Fizz Curtis

Janet Fizz Curtis is trained in the Irene Mawer Method of Mime and Movement and is now writing a book about the life of Irene Mawer.

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