Leslie French

Was he, or wasn’t he? That is the question. Was Leslie French trained at Ginner-Mawer, or wasn’t he? According to his obituaries, he wasn’t (or at least they don’t mention Ginner-Mawer), but then again the ...

Renee Gadd

‘Among the Ginner Mawers who have gone on to do stage work we are proud to number Leslie French, Renee Gadd and Elinor Shan.’ (Irene Mawer, The Link, October 1937, pp.20-23) Renee Gadd is mentioned ...

The Two Mollies

The Two Mollies Mollie Shannon was a Ginner-Mawer and was mentioned in Irene Mawer’s speech made at the 21st birthday celebration party in 1937.  Mollie Leuw was also a Ginner-Mawer and her name was mentioned ...