Drama School in Belfast. 11 December 1937

Belfast Telegraph

11 December 1937

DRAMA SCHOOL IN BELFAST.  Well-known Experts on Production and Acting

In modern terms, we might call this a ‘pop-up’ drama school.  Organised by the rural Development Council of Northern Ireland, the School comprised three sessions, one during the evening, and two the next day.

Both of the lecturers are described as experts in their subjects with Miss Helga Burgess representing the Institute of Mime.  I am not sure what ‘the use of physique to express dramatic impulse’ refers to; I imagine it means using either the whole, or different parts, of the body to show different emotions.  Her warning that ‘One ought never to use the top note of expression’ sounds quite stern, so be warned against exaggeration!

Irene Mawer has been missed by the historians!  Her contribution to the dramatic arts needs to be recorded and it is my mission to do that.  Please help the ‘bots’ to find Miss Mawer by commenting/sharing/liking, etc.  Thank you.

Author: Janet Fizz Curtis

Janet Fizz Curtis is trained in the Irene Mawer Method of Mime and Movement and is now writing a book about the life of Irene Mawer.

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