I’m getting there!

Hi Everyone, here’s happy news.  I am really pleased to tell that you that I am getting on magnificently well with my book about Irene Mawer.

I have started on the second draft and am already about 24,000 words into it.  Writing it the second time around is much easier because I have already done all of the research.  Now it is just a case of finding the information, and putting it into the best order.

I have also been to Bookvault, in Peterborough, which is near where I live and I have looked at the various options for books which are printed on demand.  My husband, Andy, came with me and he was quite decisive on which were the best colours and qualities of paper, etc!  I have some decisions to make.

I also need your help – please contact me if you are willing to read through a chapter or two and give me feedback (whatever you feel comfortable with, anything from typos, to comments about the content and the flow.  Its up to you.)  If you haven’t already given me your email address for the updates, then please do send it.  I am gathering a little group of supporters, who I will email on an occasional basis (don’t worry, I won’t bombard you and I absolutely won’t sell, give, swap or in any other way pass your details to anyone else.)  Thanks.

One of my supporters has asked about where I write, so the photo shows my ‘writing studio’, ha ha ha.  I have a camper van, and this is where I do my writing, on the table, using either my ‘phone, or a tiny iPad – with bluetooth keyboards.

Please remember to let me know if you can help me with read throughs.  Thanks.

Author: Janet Fizz Curtis

Janet Fizz Curtis is trained in the Irene Mawer Method of Mime and Movement and is now writing a book about the life of Irene Mawer.

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